Listen to our new podcast, The Dancing Willow, for conversations on herbalism and healing in collaboration with the Earth!

The Willow Journal

In the Herbalist's Garden

In the Herbalist's Garden

Hello All!

There are no two ways about it! I am at my best when I am in my garden. I have been growing things and obsessed with the plant world for as long as I can remember. As a little girl, I was the official strawberry picker in my mother's small garden and my enthusiasm has never waned. My passion as an herbalist quite literally sprang from the roots...of anything that I could grow! 

The world of gardening is a deep deep hole and I could write about it all day, but I just want to share some of my favorite plants to grow hopes of inspiring you to get outside and get planting! The act of planting is therapeutic, not to mention the rewards of the harvest. There is peace, power and great reward to be found mixed amongst the dirt, sweat, and sweet smell of my wild and wooly garden bed.

My favorite flowers to grow: It's hard to narrow it down but here's my best shot! My flower friends that emerge perenially, pushing their feisty heads heads through the rich soil, year after year, are my Peonies, Bleeding Heart, and the gangly Holly Hock. To sow the seeds of the sun flower and watch the giants shoot up, golden heads proud, well, it never ceases to amaze and delight. Yes, miracles can fold themselves into a 99 cent seed packet from the hardware store.

Favorite Herbs to grow: Here's the short list! Mother wort, Calendula, Lemon Balm, and Comfrey. These hardy plants offer a big return on not too much investment, smell glorious, and add big color!

The easiest plants to grow: If you're new to gardening, then here you go! Start with these easy to grow plants and reap rewards fast! Mother Nature offers a few plants that are the gateway drug to gardening, and there's no shame in starting easy! Here's a high five to lettuce, peas, radish, and potatoes...all yummy and nourishing, both heart and soul, when you grow them yourself!

And what's the ABSOLUTE most rewarding plant in my garden? No contest, it's my big, fat, juicy Brandy Wine heirloom tomatoes. I don't think I have to explain that at all! :)

This week in the garden has found me sniffling and scratchy with allergies and I'm not alone. We've been hearing about it at the shop constantly. I'm taking a few doses a day of Aller-Relief and feeling my system respond. Gear Up keeps me motivated and moving and honestly, I think I might be addicted to Fire Cider these days! We do what it takes, right? Our Bug Be Gone is back in season and shipping out all over the's the most effective natural  bug spray available. And I'm still supporting myself with DWH Immune boosting herbs and formulas. (see below!)


We are open for business at our shop in downtown Durango, CO. and have posted our guidelines on the website. We are also taking phone orders for local pick up as well as web orders to mail out.

It also goes without saying that we stand together with all people of color during this unprecedented time and are in support of the radical change that will find us walking with equal footing in this land that we call home. We have a roe to hoe to get there, and we are going to be eager students in this new direction.

Big Love from Deb & the Dancing Willow Team!