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The Willow Journal

Winter Solstice Herbal Allies

Winter Solstice Herbal Allies

As the longest night of the year approaches, we find ourselves standing on the cusp of winter’s deep embrace. The quiet of this season invites us to pause, to rest, to reflect. While the world outside may feel dormant, there is much work being done beneath the surface: roots are deepening, the earth is gathering its energy, and we too are invited to slow down and reconnect with our own roots.

The winter solstice, a turning point in the year, marks a time of both release and renewal. The cold, still nights are the perfect setting for cozying up, sipping nourishing teas, and turning inward. As the nights stretch long and the days grow short, nature’s medicine is here to support us through this journey into the quiet of winter.

During the winter solstice, there are specific plants that can help guide us through the darkest days, deepening our connection with the Earth and our bodies. Evergreens, berries and aromatic roots help to support our immune systems, open our lungs and release stagnation. Let’s explore how these winter herbs can help guide you through the darkest days of the year and beyond.

Evergreens: Keepers of the Forest


When the solstice arrives, the world seems to fall into a deep sleep, but not the evergreens. Pine trees stand tall, their green needles stark against the muted landscape, reminding us of life and vitality even in the darkest season. Pine is a supportive ally during winter, known for its ability to bring clarity, warmth, and immune support when the cold winds howl.

Pine needles are rich in vitamin C, making them a perfect herb to fortify the body during the colder months. Pine is like a deep breath of fresh, crisp air in the forest, that helps to clear congestion and support respiratory health. It is considered a stimulating expectorant that will help with wet boggy coughs. If you’ve been battling the seasonal sniffles or feel the weight of the deep winter air pressing down on your chest, a cup of pine needle tea can do wonders. Not only will it nourish, open and soothe your lungs, but it also carries a refreshing, uplifting aroma that will help you feel more connected to nature during the long, still nights.

The flower essence of pine is used for guilt, which can be a feeling that comes up during this season. If you feel guilty about not doing “enough” during the holidays, pine could be a helpful ally. The grounding energy of pine helps to stabilize us in our own energy, our worth and helps us stand up for what we need during the winter season. 

Other Evergreens to incorporate:

  • Spruce
  • Fir
  • Juniper

    Berries: Wise Companions for the Cold Season


    As I write this, the moon is a full “Cold Moon”, also known as the “Elder Moon”. The Elder Tree is said to rule the thirteenth moon of December in the Celtic calendar. Elder represents endings, beginnings and rebirth. With the new year around the corner, Elder can help us reflect and return to our authenticity, to release what needs to be released, as we settle into our new routines.

    Medicinally, elderberries are small but mighty, packed with antioxidants and vitamins that support the immune system. This is the time of year when elderberry makes itself a daily staple, helping to strengthen your body’s defenses. Packed with immune-boosting antioxidants like vitamin C and anthocyanins, Elderberry helps to reduce the severity and duration of viral infections. It also promotes cardiovascular health by supporting the vascular system and improving circulation.

    Other Berries to incorporate:

    • Hawthorn
    • Rosehips
    • Schisandra

      Aromatic Roots: Clearing the Winter Fog


      Our most sacred local plant ally, Osha is something that we approach with deepest reverence. This botanical is abundant in our bioregion and we harvest a small amount every year to make into medicine to share with our community.

      Osha root has a strong association with the bear. Bears will seek out these roots to stimulate their digestion after winter hibernation, and have even been found applying osha roots directly to wounds. The bear’s knowledge, love and use of Osha never stops to invoke wonder within me. Osha is a warming carminative- meaning it helps to stimulate our digestion too. It is also antimicrobial- hence, why the bear would utilize this medicine on wounds. As bear medicine, Osha can help us deepen into our winter hibernation, to breathe more fully into the slowness, and keep stagnation at bay while we rest.

      There are excellent alternatives to Osha, listed below that we recommend working with during the winter season to help keep your lungs healthy, and prevent stagnation that can occur when we are allowing ourselves to eat more nourishing foods and rest a little more.

      Other aromatic roots to incorporate:

      • Elecampane
      • Angelica
      • Licorice

        Our Limited Edition Elder-Bear Elixir

        A perfect ally for the winter season, we are excited to announce a limited edition elixir made with completely locally cultivated or wildcrafted ingredients!

        Our Elder-Bear Elixir is Elderberry & Osha honey, blended with Elderberry & Pine tincture. This immune supportive, respiratory tonic is a great addition to your medicine cabinet for cold and flu season. It can be taken on a daily basis to nourish the immune system and strengthen the lungs, or during acute respiratory or viral illness.

        The cute bear illustration & frosted bottle makes this a refined and sweet gift for someone who wants to keep their immune systems healthy- think, teachers or people who work in public places. 

        Once we run out of our fresh harvested Elderberry honey, that will be the last of our supply until next autumn! It is already selling fast, so stock up before it's gone!

        Get yours here!


        As we prepare for the new year, may the wisdom of winter inspire you to slow down, reflect, and cultivate the strength to carry you through the months ahead. Embrace the darkness, knowing that beneath the surface, growth is always happening. Stay well, stay connected, and remember that nature’s medicine is always here to guide you.

        Happy herbal solstice!