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The Willow Journal

Fancy up your Cocktails with Herbal Cordials!

Fancy up your Cocktails with Herbal Cordials!

One of the joys of having an herb shop is the abundance of wonderful products I can create at my finger tips. Like any good cook or artist, having a full pallet of colors or having  a pantry full of all the right ingredients allows for creativity to flourish. After creating powerful medicinal tinctures, I have been inspired to create something that stimulates the senses! Something that is delicious and sensuous, something to warm the heart and loosen inhibitions with aromatics that are full and sweet and sumptuous. 

I am sooo excited to introduce you to our new line of cordials. These delightful cordials are crafted with sweet spices, pungent herbs, and fresh fruits and berries. In a word.....these are de/lucious!

When I was a little girl my grand mother had the most delicate feather weight cordial snifters. They fit perfectly in our tiny hands . I remember her pouring a scant teaspoon of Drambuie or plum brandy in the bottom of them and we, my brother, sister and I, would dare each other to raise the glass to our mouths. We inhaled the hot vapors of alcohol as it inched up to our mouths. You might be surprised that as children we were given intoxicating beverages, but for us it was ritual and rich in the warmth and sweetness that was held inside the precious glass. (and never enough to do any more than whet our tongue) Our damiana cordials are clearly not meant for children, but they are rich in ritual that still unfolds in maturity. We recommend that you share them with love, desire and a bit of ceremony.

Feast your eyes on these enticing flavor combinations. 

Rose Cacao Damiana Cordial
Ingredients: Organic Cacao, Organic Rose, Organic Damiana, in raw honey, spring water, and Organic grain free alcohol

Raspberry Rose Damiana Cordial
ingredients: Organic Raspberries, Organic Rose, Organic Damiana , Organic Hawthorn, Organic Orange peel, in raw honey, spring water, and Organic grain free alcohol

Blackberry Cardamon Damiana Cordial
Ingredients: Organic Blackberries, Organic Hawthorn berries, Organic Damiana, Organic Cardamon in raw honey, spring water, and Organic grain free alcohol

Apricot Vanilla Damiana Cordial
Ingredients: Apricot brandy, organic Damiana, Organic Vanilla bean, Organic Cinnamon, Organic Clove Buds, in raw honey, spring water, and Organic grain free alcohol

Why are all of our cordials made with damiana? Because we want to use this notorious aphrodisiac to create a heart opening, body soothing beverage for you partake in and put a little naughty in your nice...

For the perfect experience, sip these jeweled elixirs in your favorite snifter. Mix with sparkling water, Prosecco, or wine. Be creative, How about Black Berry Cardamom added to a Manhattan, or Cacao Rose in hot cocoa, A Raspberry Rose gin and tonic would be magical or perhaps a splash of Apricot Vanilla in a traditional vodka tonic. 

Add these gorgeous mixers to your bar to delight your guests or give them as gifts to welcome in the New Year and celebrate a NEW DECADE! Your cocktail creation is only limited by your imagination with these delightful alcoholic cordials!

These festive elixirs are only available in the shop, but if you'd like to order them, please give us a call and we'll ship them your way! (970) 247-1654

We all wish you a warm and festive holiday season! May it hold for you blessings, opportunity for growth, prosperity, and health. As always, we are grateful for your continued support and are honored to share our products with you!

Warm Wishes,

Deb and all of the Dancing Willow Herb shop staff