As we descend back into our fall routines, there has been a noticeable uptick in illness at the apothecary. Kids are back at school, and so, too are the inevitable exchange of germs.
At Dancing Willow Herbs, we have an extensive selection of herbal products designed specifically for children. These are clinically formulated using herbs that are gentle enough and safe for kids. They are also all glycerites, a non-alcohol version of tinctures. For the best quality product, we extract our tinctures in alcohol and then transfer the medicinal constituents into glycerine by cooking the alcohol off of the product. The end result is a potent extract, without any alcohol. Glycerine is also a sweet medium, that children tend to enjoy the taste of- making the process of giving them herbal medicine easier for everyone involved!
These formulas have been in circulation within our community for 30 years and we have heard endless feedback about families who depend on these products to support the health of their children. Our founder, Deb Swanson, created many of these formulas based on what worked best for her daughter when she was growing up.
At Dancing Willow Herbs, our children’s formulas range from immune, respiratory and nervous system support. This is your complete guide to the glycerites that we offer & their benefits.

How old does my kid have to be before taking glycerites?
Unlike honey, glycerine is considered safe for infants who have introduced solids into their diet. We always recommend consulting a qualified practitioner or pediatrician to see if herbal formulas would be appropriate for your child. We have known many people to give our glycerites to their infants, but it is important to utilize proper dosage based on their weight.
How do I know proper dosage for my child?
It is important to dose glycerites for children based on their weight. The bigger they are, the more they need. Here is standard dosage for herbal glycerites for children:
1-20 lbs = 5-10 drops
20-40 lbs = 15 drops
40-80 lbs = 1 dropper (30 drops)
>80 lbs = 2 droppers (60 drops)
Our Formulas:
Immune Support
Kid’s Daily Support
This formula is what we recommend as an herbal “multivitamin”. It will help to strengthen the immune system with nourishing immune tonics like Astragalus, support the nervous system with Lemon Balm and Milky Oats. It also contains herbs for general nutritive properties, Nettle, & Milk Thistle for gently supporting detoxification.
Contains: Astragalus, Lemon Balm, Nettle, Licorice, Siberian Ginseng, Milky Oats, & Milk Thistle
Kid’s Berry Good Tonic
This is our daily immune formula that is a little more specialized for helping to tone the immune system & lymphatic system. It contains antioxidant rich Elderberry and immune tonic Astragalus for deep support for the immune system, especially when taken daily over long periods of time. Ashwagandha and Lemon Balm support the nervous system, while Burdock and Red Root cleanse the lymphatic system. This formula is what we recommend especially if your kid is exposed to “germy” environments like school or day care.
Contains: Elderberry, Astragalus, Ashwagandha, Burdock, Red Root, & Lemon Balm
Get Kid's Berry Good Tonic here!
Kid’s Defense
For when your kids actually get sick, this is the formula to have on hand! It works best at the first signs of illness, but can be taken all the way through cold or flu to boost the immune system and support quicker recovery. Stronger immune stimulants are paired with lymphatic herbs, expectorants and decongestants to alleviate uncomfortable symptoms associated with colds, flus, bacterial or viral infections.
Contains: Echinacea, Red Root, Lemon Balm, Yerba Mansa, Burdock, Yerba Santa, Mullein & Peppermint
Elderberry Syrup
Our famous Elderberry syrup is a hit amongst kids & adults alike! Elderberry is rich in vitamin C and other antioxidant/bioflavonoid compounds that help protect the cells from viruses. It is one of the best daily additions for warding off illness because it is food like, almost like a super charged blueberry! Elderberry can also improve recovery time of an illness and is particularly beneficial for respiratory illness.
Contains: Elderberries, Honey, Vitamin C & Apple Cider Vinegar

Kid’s Easy Air
Helps to expand the bronchials and reduce constriction due to asthma. Contains lung tonic herbs which help to strengthen “weak” lungs. When taken daily, this is a good formula for kids who always seem to develop coughs when they get sick.
Contains: Mullein, Lobelia, Licorice, Grindelia, Horehound, Passion Flower & Osha
Kid’s Calm a Cough
Soothing to an irritated cough, this is a great formula for when your child is unable to sleep or relax due to a cough. It will help soothe the cough reflex, help open up the lungs & support the immune system.
Contains: Wild Cherry Bark, Coltsfoot, Elderberry, Horehound, Mullein & Thyme
Kid’s Expectorite Dry
Designed to help bring moisture to a dry cough that has difficult to expectorate mucus. The cough may sound rattly and is typically dry and irritated. This formula will help to soothe the cough reflex and get up stuck mucus.
Contains: Wild Cherry Bark, Coltsfoot, Angelica, Licorice, Grindelia & Mullein
Get Kid's Expectorite Dry here!
Kid’s Expectorite Wet
This is the ideal formula for a wet cough with lots of mucus! It will help to expectorate and get the gunk up and out! These herbs are also antimicrobial, and will help to address infection and dry up a boggy wet cough.
Contains: Osha, Grindelia, Coltsfoot & Mullein
Get Kid's Expectorite Wet here!

Nervous System/Digestion
Child’s Comfort
This is one of our favorite formulas because it can be used for many different purposes. It was originally created to help calm fussy or overactive kids who have trouble settling down at night or are overly wound up during the day. It is a blend of nervine herbs that help to calm & soothe anxiety/worry/overwhelm. For overly sensitive or hyper kids, this can help take the edge off and help them regulate.
We have also found it to be one of the best solutions to digestive troubles for children. So much of the time, kids suffer from digestive woes like stomach aches, constipation or diarrhea rooted in anxiety/stress. These herbs help to calm the root of the digestive issues, while also providing “carminative” action- meaning, they help to ease gas, bloating and stomach aches.
Contains: Chamomile, Catnip, Hops, Fennel & Passionflower
We are wishing you all an easy transition into the school year and the autumn season! We look forward to serving you and your family in promoting health & wellbeing in any way that we can!
With Elderberry on the stove,
Elliott & the team at Dancing Willow Herbs