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The Willow Journal

An Herbal Valentine

An Herbal Valentine

We are walking into the Valentine’s day portal, a celebration of romance, sensuality and love. This time can be challenging for some folks who may not have a romantic partner or do not identify with the holiday at large. Personally, I like to engage with Valentine’s as a larger energetic theme for the month of February as opposed to a single day with higher expectations than the rest. As a time to practice deeper self love, and celebration of myself and my partner. There is tremendous value in invoking the sensuous, creating time to celebrate love of ourselves and our romantic partners. 


Many of us can have a challenging time deepening sensuality due to walls that prevent us from trusting intimacy, being in our head/stressed out, or shame around how we feel about our bodies. Certain herbs can bridge more vibrant sensual experiences. They can help us to feel more embodied, calm, and turned on to the life that we want to live. When we feel this way, we are more likely to be accepting and gentle with ourselves, and ease into the unique beauty that we hold. 


Sensuality is beyond sex. Sensuality is a force of passion that can imbibe more than our romantic relationships, but brings an enchantment with the everyday. Herbal aphrodisiacs work by helping to bring us into our bodies, so that we may feel the wind on our skin, become enraptured by the scent of a blossom, and be more present to engage with our environment, ourselves or another individual. 


One of my favorite herbal aphrodisiacs is Damiana, Turnera diffusa. Damiana works by bringing circulation and warmth to the pelvis. It also has a quality of bringing blood flow to our periphery- making skin a little more tingly or sensitive to touch, bringing us into a state of outward disposition. This is why Damiana is my choice herb for introverts who feel overwhelmed before social gatherings. Damiana can help bring us back into our bodies in a way that is energetically uplifting and welcomes safe/supportive social interaction. Damiana helps to not only invigorate passion in the bedroom, but also to promote enchantment with the mundane- with the lives we live, the people in it, and the work we are here to do. Damiana is a bridge to the sensuous, a portal from whom you can call upon to go deeper in celebrating love of yourself or your beloved. We have several products listed below that feature the magic of Damiana, as well as other herbs that help to promote passion! 


This Valentine’s day (week, month), I invite you to gift yourself or your loved ones some of our herbal products designed for robust romance, embodiment and pleasure!  


Damiana Love Cordials

Our Cordials are made with Damiana, an aphrodisiac uplifting aromatic herb along with house-made fruit liquors and spices. The various flavors are delicious when added to sparkling water, or incorporated into cocktails. 

Our four flavors are Raspberry Rose, Rose Cacao, Blackberry Cardamom & Apricot Vanilla. 

Lover's Tea

This delicious tea invigorates the senses, improves circulation and passion. Damiana, Horny Goat Weed and Cacao are some of the most potent herbal aphrodisiacs, and are paired with warming herbs to assist in blood flow to the pelvis. 

Organic ingredients: Damiana, Horny Goat Weed, Cacao, Oatstraw, Cinnamon, & Cloves. 

Pleasuring Balm

Our beloved pleasuring balm is the perfect herbal lubricant. Kava helps to relax the tissues, while Echinacea creates a tingly feeling while also being antimicrobial. The texture is slick not sticky, and is the perfect amplifier for a sensual experience. 

Rose Essential Honey

Essential Honey is an intoxicating blend of pure organic food-grade essential oils infused into raw local honey. This honey adds subtle floral sweetness to tea, recipes or by the spoonful.


Sending love, romance and passion for all that feeds your spirit! 


Elliott & the team at Dancing Willow Herbs